High precision flowmeters with calibrated orifices, a long diameter and great visibility. Control knob with click style positions, makes it more comfortable to use and safer against accidental flow changes. Aluminum body, polycarbonate dial, DISS outlet in chromium-plated brass, rest in stainless steel, NBR, silicone and polyamide.
Require fixed and stable input pressure.
Technical data:
GSHEP4--> 4bar
GSHEP5--> 50psi
Gases: Oxygen, Air
Flow settings*:
Oxygen: 0-1L/min, 0-5L/min, 0-15L/min**, 0-50L/min**
Air: 0-15L/min**, 0-50L/min**
*Flows calibrated at STP conditions (23oC, 101.3 kPa)
**Flowmeter 0-50L/min is indicated for CPAP